Reid Melissa

Reid Melissa

Player Profile

BirthDate 02/01/1994
Height 5.7''
Country USA/TTO
Available YES
College ECSU
Passport Import Players - Cotonou
Role Point Guard


Melissa is a leader on and off the court, gets teammates involved, builds team moral and conducts both offense and defense. High motor guard that plays extremely hard, moves fast and quick with a lot of heart and passion instilled in her play. She is a playmaker with good court vision who is assertive to get teammates involved in the play and score. Reid is a point guard who has the ability of also playing off the ball. Melissa makes great reads off the pick and roll and has a great mid-range jump shot. She has developed her ability to shoot the three-pointer and can take defenders off the dribble to [inish at the rim. Melissa has a great feel for the game on both sides of the [loor. She is a great ball handler that can manage defensive pressure and is excellent in the open court. On the defensive end, Melissa is an elite perimeter, on-ball, and help side defender. Melissa is an aggressive defender, yet controlled, in which she applies pressure every play. She has great timing on the defensive end with constant active hands. This allows her to get many steals in the passing lanes along with de[lections. She is a pro[icient rebounder for her size, boxes out well. Melissa is a talented guard who is [illed with grit, heart, and great leadership. With a tremendous work ethic, Melissa is able to adapt into various basketball settings. She does a good job making positive encouragement 100% of the game. 

Englewood, NJ / Englewood HS
2015-2016: Elizabeth City State University (NCAA2)
2017: Team Prague (Eurobasket Summer League in Philadelphia, starting five): 2 games: 5.5ppg, 3.5rpg, 2.0apg, 2.0spg
2022: Santa Ana 2nd team (El Salvador-Liga Mayor, starting five): Clausura: 5 games: 14.4ppg, 9.8rpg, 3.0apg, 3.2spg, FGP: 31.9%, 3PT: 19.0%, FT: 50.0%
