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Tamiozzo Edoardo

Player Profile

BirthDate 2008/06/16
Height 6.2''
Country Italian
Available YES
Passport Bosman A - Italy
Role Point Guard
Role Guard
Tamiozzo Edoardo

Tamiozzo Edoardo


Play guardia, molto intenso. PiĆ¹ a suo agio in appoggio al play. Gioca bene sui due lati del campo, attacca 1c1 in situazioni di close out. Un po meno efficace quando deve creare da solo da palleggio. Ottimo difensore su palla e sulle linee. Mentalmente solido e intenso

Shooting guard, very intense. More comfortable supporting the point guard. Plays well on both ends of the court, attacks one-on-one in close-out situations. A bit less effective when creating off the dribble. Excellent on-ball and passing lane defender. Mentally solid and intense.

2022/23 Finali Nazionali Under 15): 3 games:  11.0 ppg
2022/23 Virtus Padova (Under 15 Eccellenza)3 games: 11.0 ppg
2023/24 Virtus Padova (Under 17 Eccellenza): 4 games: 5.3 ppg
2023/24 Virtus Padova (Under 19 Eccellenza Nazionale)
